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Relive the German-Baltic Conference on Spotify!

Listen to the recordings of the framework programme of the German-Baltic Conference 2024 on Spotify:

  • The opening ceremony with welcoming remarks and a keynote speech by Lieutenant General Jürgen-Joachim von Sandrart: “The Military Can’t Do it Alone: Building Resilience Across the Whole of Society

  • The panel discussion “Weaponising Disinformation: Insights from Ukraine and the EU’s Response

  • The keynote speech by Erika Kuročkina: “Building a Future-Ready Workforce: AI, Youth, and Education in the Baltics

Moreover, we are very happy to publish two podcast episodes by our dedicated Young journalists, Tanishka Murthy and Gleb Konkin-von Serebrowski. Tanishka followed the work of the German-Baltic Youth Exchange Network and reports on her experience in her podcast episode. Gleb conducted an interview with cluster C’s (focusing on the topic of AI and disinformation) expert Tammo Polle. 

Since 2019, the German-Baltic Conference (GBC) has brought together young people from all over Europe to meet in one of the major Baltic cities, giving them a platform to make their voices heard. From 24 to 27 October 2024, participants of this year’s conference had the opportunity to join working groups in Vilnius that focus on policy development and civic engagement. Four clusters with 36 young individuals (Youth Ambassadors) were engaged in developing sustainable policy approaches in the realms of the environment, economy, society, and values – drafting their own policy and position papers around the topic “AI for Europe: Reinventing Crisis Management” that subsequently will be disseminated to political actors and decision-makers.

Concurrently, the German-Baltic Youth Exchange Network (GBYEN) has brought together stakeholders from civil society, administration, politics, and beyond, to explore future challenges and opportunities of youth exchange in the Baltic region and Europe. The conference provided them with an inspiring programme comprising networking opportunities, expert keynotes, and insight into local best practice and culture.

Since 2023, the DBJW has supplemented the conference’s programme by offering five young people the possibility to participate as Young journalists, shadowing the work of one of the clusters and of the GBYEN group. Throughout the conference, they closely accompany the discussions and the development of the end results and present in a creative way what the GBC looks like from the inside. 

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